If this is an emergency, or if you are worried that you or someone you know may be at risk for suicide, please call 911 right now,
then call: the National Hope Line Network: 1-800-SUICIDE or National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK.
The Christian Counseling and Education Foundation

CCEF.org (make sure to check out the Resources section)
CCEF is a source of scientific research, counseling perspective, and Christian love for many of life’s challenges – see the topical index in their Resources section for help with eating disorders, recovering from abuse, anxiety, grief, fear, and dozens of other difficult circumstances that can occur in a person’s life.
To Write Love On Her Arms

If you or someone you know is living under the weight of despair, know that you are loved and that hope is possible. TWLOHA exists to provide community and support for those who can’t see the way out of desperate emotions and situations, and to remind us all that each and every person is a priceless treasure in God’s eyes. Definitely check out their Vision and Find Help sections.
State College Pregnancy Resource Clinic

Free medical and material assistance for pregnant women, including ultrasounds, counseling, and medical references. In addition, PRC provides counseling for crisis pregnancies and pre-/post-abortion situations, and STD testing and treatment.
Regeneration Ministries
Biblical Sexuality
Counseling, healing, and community for men and women who are fighting lust, pornography, sex addictions, adultery, and same-sex attraction. Additional help and therapy for those who are or have been the victims of sexual abuse and violence.
Listed here are some thoughtful resources regarding homosexuality and the Christian faith:
Local Crisis Resources
This file documents the local resources in State
College for a variety of Emergencies. It has been
last updated 4/10/14.